Speaker 1


Prizes Worth Rs 16,000

Participation type : Individual

Eligibility : Open to all 11th, 12th, Diploma and UG/PG students

Algo-Smash is an offline programming event, which tests your logical, mathematical and basic programming skills. This is a coding contest based on algorithms, data structures and problem solving which will be held in 2 levels that is the school level and college level. As we know, programming is a skill, best acquired by practice rather than from books so this competition will be very much beneficial.

Coding is the language of the future and every one should know it, therefore Algo-Smash will be playing a vital role in enhancing the knowledge of coding among the students

Event Flowchart

⮚1st round will be Preliminary Round of 20 questions (1 mark each and no negative marking) where you'll be given 10-15 general beginner level questions and 5 intermediate level questions.

⮚2nd round is Blind Coding where you will be given to work on 1 easy program in C/C++ language (for example “Addition of two numbers”) without running it until completion. Your screens will be covered. Ranking is based upon your submission time and accuracy.

⮚3rd and final round (only for College/University level) will be Competitive Coding where you will be given 2 questions (1 intermediate level and 1 difficult level question) and ranking will based upon your submission time and accuracy.

General Rules:

1. Each participant must have to carry their respective School ID/ College ID.
2. The participants must carry pen/pencil.
3. Rough sheets will be provided by the University.
4. Coordinators will be assigned to observe teams throughout the contest and report any problems and/or violations of the rules to the Contest Committee.
5. No mobile phones, smart watches or such electronic devices will be allowed. Anyone found using such devices or other unfair means will be disqualifies.

Rules for School students:

1. Event will have two rounds (Premilinary round/ Final Round).
2. Preliminary round will consist of 20 questions of 1 marks each.
3. Preliminary round will be of 30 mins.
4. Participants qualifying preliminary round only will move to Final Round.
5. Final round will test the qualified individual's coding skills.
6. Each participant must have to carry their respective school ID.

Rules for College students:

1. Event will have three rounds (Premilinary round/ Semi-final round/ Final round).
2. Preliminary round will consist of 20 questions of 1 marks each.
3. Preliminary round will be of 30 mins.
4. Participants qualifying preliminary round only will move to Semi-final round.
5. Semi-final round will test the basic coding skills.
6. Participants qualifying Semi-final round only will move to Final round.
7. Final round rules will be given on the day of the event.
8. Each participant must have to carry their respective college ID.